Elementor #681

Preparation: Behavioral Profiling Assessments

Video – How To Use The Assessments To Identify Areas Of Improvement

Get To Know YOU

Please do the following tests on https://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/testcenter

  1. Panas Scale from the ‘Emotions’ Category,
    2. Work-Life Questionnaire 1 from ‘Engagement’ 
    3. PERMA from Flourishing Questionnaire 
    4. Satisfaction with Life and Wellbeing Survey from ‘Life Satisfaction Categories’, 
    5. and Close Relationships Questionanaire from the ‘Meaning’ Category
  2. https://www.truity.com/test/big-five-personality-test

#Video 1

 In this video I explain how to use the assessment results to identify which your areas of strengths and areas of improvement are so that you can focus on the one thing that will make the biggest difference for your trading. 

Well done, you have successfully completed the Preparation for the Training